
Qazaqstan Halqyna Fund and Sustainable Rural Development Fund (SRDF) have presented the modernized village school

The presentation of the preliminary results of the charity project "Development of hub schools potential in a rural area " was held on September 12 in the secondary school named after Dossov in Katarkol village, Akmola region. Dosov secondary school in Katarkol village in Akmola region. The project task involves the comprehensive improvement in the quality of teaching in rural schools, as well as the modernization of physical infrastructure. Katarkol school was the first of 17 hub schools participating in the project, for which 4.25 billion KZT was allocated from the Qazaqstan Halqyna Fund. After only a month of work, the school's facilities have been completely renovated. By the end of this year, 16 more schools in other regions will complete the modernization process, and intensive courses and trainings will be held for rural teachers.

 It is worth noting that the project is a continuation of the “Rural school powered by NIS” initiative, implemented since 2019 in 5 schools in East Kazakhstan Region and Akmola Region. The initiator and sponsor of the first five schools was the Aitas Holding and its founder Serik Tolukpayev, who has allocated 1 billion KZT for the funding. The general partner of the initiative was the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO, taking on the academic part of the project. Besides the Sustainable Rural Development Fund (SRDF), which is implemented along with the NIS AEO was established.

 “When we have started our initiative to modernize rural schools, we knew exactly our big goal - 165 schools across the country by 2026. This year, in cooperation with the Qazaqstan Halqyna Fund and Beeline Kazakhstan, we managed to scale up the project, expand the geography and cover every region. We are happy that the children in usual rural schools will have access to quality education, thanks to the partners. We still have a lot to do, but we believe in success and are open to cooperation with other sponsors and partners, - has noted a founder of SRDF, a leader of Aitas Holding Serik Tolukpayev.

 Thanks to the successful implementation and excellent results, initiative for modernization of rural schools has obtained support from the Qazaqstan Halqyna Fund and Beeline Kazakhstan, enabling to increase the number of modernized rural schools to 22. 

 The presentation of the school was attended by Bolat Zhamishev, Chairman of the Management Board of the Qazaqstan Halqyna Fund. “When we have been holding retreats in 20 regions of the country and organized online meetings with representatives of the civil sector, the wish to support rural education has been voiced. When we talk about education in rural areas, we must first of all raise support schools, which should become a magnet for nearby village schools. The children in village should have the same opportunities as urban children. This is the first project supported by the Fund for the Development of Rural Hub Schools. The school is equipped with all the necessary equipment, This will make use of the potential and resources of NIS, which will transfer their pedagogical practices and methods to rural schools”, - has pointed out Bolat Zhamishev.

 The financial support from the Qazaqstan Halqyna Fund is intended exclusively for the material equipment of classrooms and the purchase of new equipment, while all operating costs were borne by SRDF. The general partner of the project was "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" AEO and all its structural divisions, providing methodological support and advanced training of teachers. It is worth noting that NIS AEO makes it free of charge in order to transfer its experience to the general educational institutions of the country.
 The allocated funds - 4,25 bln KZT - will be distributed among 17 schools, 250 million KZT for each. Almost half of this amount, 2 billion KZT, was allocated by one of the sponsors - Beeline Kazakhstan.

  “The telecommunications business is social in its nature: it is hard to imagine life today without our services. Since 2020, jointly with our partners we have been implementing the "250+" project, thanks to which mobile Internet and communications from Beeline have already appeared in more than 1,500 villages. Now residents of these villages have equal opportunities with the city for access to the Internet. The project to develop hub schools also contributes to the creation of equal opportunities by ensuring that rural children have access to a quality, competitive education. And we are happy that our charitable contribution will be aimed to the development of this important initiative», - comments Yevgeny Nastradin, Chief operating officer of the Beeline Kazakhstan

  During the presentation, renovated classrooms with modern equipment and subject areas have been shown to guests and media representatives. Among the innovations are a display wall and infokiosk, an art studio, a TV studio for recording online lessons and master classes, workshops. Even now the classes are given with the use of whiteboards, new devices and display materials. There is also a mini-center in the school specifically for the pre-school-age children.
 “Our activity in this school does not stop there. Now we and the project partner perform the analysis of the quality of education in schools, interviews with teachers, students, and parents, curriculum is studied, specialists will visit the lessons of all teachers. This is a very important stage, based on the results of which intensive courses, trainings and master classes for rural teachers will be held until the end of the year. Such a comprehensive approach makes it possible to seriously influence the quality of education in the school”, - has emphasized the director the Director of SRDF, Daniyar Toktarbayev.

 In the process of training teachers and equipping classrooms, the experience and recommendations of the NIS have been applied. Chairman of the Management Board of the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO Kulyash Shamshidinova has emphasized that the project takes into account all the finer points and peculiarities of the educational process and material and technical base of each school.

 “Today, the use of innovative technologies and techniques is not just a pioneering work, but a necessity. Our work with rural schools starts with integrated study of all aspects of teaching and educational work, based on data analysis, the school's need for a methodological plan and a reset of the educational environment is determined. The analytical group, which systematically analyzes the results of the teaching and educational process for improvement of their school activities is established in the school.

We conduct subject internships for teachers and school management at the Intellectual Schools site. The entire process is accompanied by methodological support in the form of seminars, webinars, internships, master classes and workshops, for the effectiveness of the lesson - we introduce digital and educational resources” – has noted the Head of the NIS AEO Kulyash Shamshidinova.

2022-09-13 13:32