
Monitoring of Educational Achievements of Small Schools to Completed in Aktobe Region

Monitoring of knowledge is carried out within the framework of the project “Development of the Potential of Small Schools in Rural Areas of Aktobe Region”. Its goal is to monitor the learning process, evaluate the effectiveness of learning, identify gaps in students’ knowledge and skills, as well as identify causes of difficulties.

Monitoring covered students of 6, 8 and 10 grades of 134 small schools. A total of 2 800 schoolchildren took part, who answered 20 questions on each of subjects. Time to complete tasks in each subject was 40 minutes.

Monitoring tasks include assessment of the level of knowledge in mathematics, English, natural sciences (for 6th grade) and mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, biology (for 8 and 10th grades). This will reveal the degree of preparation of students in various subjects and fields of knowledge.

It is important to note that the monitoring results will be known in January 2024. This data will be transmitted to the heads and methodologists of each of the participating schools. Confidentiality of information is ensured by the fact that the data is not subject to disclosure to third parties. Results of this monitoring will become the basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the project and making appropriate adjustments in the educational process.

Recall that this year, the Fund for Sustainable Development of Education, the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Fund and the Ministry of Education, with the support of the Akimat of Aktobe region, has launched the pilot project “Development of the potential of small rural schools using digital technologies”, in which 134 rural undefilled schools participate. Schools will receive free access to digital programs of leading Kazakhstani educational platforms within the framework of the project.

Science classrooms will be also equipped in the participating schools of the project at the expense of the funds of the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Fund. The Akimat of Aktobe region, in turn, undertakes to improve the quality of the Internet in schools.
2023-11-28 20:37