Khromtau Secondary School No. 1 MPI, which became a participant of the Development of the Potential of Hub Schools in Rural Areas project. The school building was built in 1965, its capital repairs were carried out in 2016. More than 600 children study and 52 teachers work at the school.

The school was selected to participate in the Potential of Hub Schools in Rural Areas project, which was launched by the Fund for Sustainable Development of Education (FSDE) together with the Kazakhstan Khalkyna public fund and Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The goal of the project is to create conditions for improving the quality of education, expanding the possibilities of the educational process in schools and reducing the gap in the quality of education between urban and rural areas. As well as the introduction of the best pedagogical practices and techniques and the provision of hub schools with the necessary material and technical base.

Within the framework of the project, the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Fund allocated KZT249 825 000 for the renovation and retrofitting of the school’s material base. Now the school has 20 classrooms (subject), 4 classrooms of additional education:
- STEM laboratory
- ART studio
- TV studio
- Robotics room
- STEM laboratory
- ART studio
- TV studio
- Robotics room

Auxiliary school facilities: gymnasium, assembly hall, Intellectum room, library and co-working area for children, as well as the office of the speech therapist and school psychologist.
The local executive authorities provide facade repairs to the building.
The renovated school will open its doors to pupils in the new school year.
The local executive authorities provide facade repairs to the building.
The renovated school will open its doors to pupils in the new school year.