
Agricultural College, Katarkol village

 “Agricultural village in Katarkol village”: public-private partnership project.

As a part of the project, it is planned to receive an agricultural college in Katarkol village in trust management in 2022.

Project cost (the investment amount): 600 000 000 tenge.
Implementation period for the public-private partnership project: 10 years.

The main goal of the project: the creation of a center for training and retraining of personnel according to international standards, the learning outcomes of which (diplomas) are recognized in Kazakhstan and internationally.

Within the framework of the project, training programs will be updated in accordance with the requirements of employers; work will be carried out to develop the teaching staff of the college, create an effective system of cooperation with businesses, improve the infrastructure and material and technical base of the college, and introduce modern approaches to educational work of students.

The implementation of the project is also aimed at increasing the prestige of agricultural professions and increasing the efficiency of labor in the agro-industrial complex.