
Another cool news from the field of medicine.

The Sustainable Rural Development Fund team held a meeting with CEO of C3Medical, Jerome Soistier, Business Development Manager in Kazakhstan of Léa Kislig, as well as advisor to Franco-Kazakh cooperation in the field of healthcare, Alexandra Trircuir.

C3Medical is one of the largest companies that helps states around the world to improve the quality of medical care. The company works in cooperation with the French Embassy, relying on its own team and a developed network of partners.
Now C3Medical together with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan is developing a pilot project for the introduction of telemedicine in North Kazakhstan region. We also offered our partners to implement the second pilot project in Katon-Karagai district, where one of our Funds operates.
The solution proposed by the French company will allow tele-consultations to be carried out in conditions almost similar to those of conventional medicine, with the possibility of communication between the patient and doctors and observation in videoconference mode, as well as using connected medical devices.
2023-04-27 16:00