
The first fair in support of women entrepreneurs of Semei city

Cool news from the Fund in Abai region! The first fair has been held in support of women entrepreneurs of Semei city!

It was organized by Malika Khujamzharova, public figure and blogger, and provided a platform for meetings and preparation for the fair.

“There are a lot of enterprising, talented, hardworking women in Semei city who, for numerous reasons, cannot independently promote their business, product or service. This is due to a lack of confidence, financing and financial literacy. Many do not know how to build advertising, fears and frameworks interfere. There are actually many reasons for the lack of business development, and they all have their own,” Malika says.

After a huge number of requests for help, Malika had the idea to hold a large-scale fair in order to promote business and gather all the aspiring women entrepreneurs of the city on one platform. On January 15, the first fair has been held at the CENTRIUM educational center.
16 entrepreneurs took part in the fair, more than 500 people visited it, among whom Akim of Abai region - Urankhayev Nurlan Telmanovich.

The meeting has resulted in the creation of a new community — everyone found something very important and useful for themselves: a platform, partners, customers, new opportunities and great prospects.

The platform will be permanent, and the number of participants is planned to expand. The next date of the fair is scheduled for March and we will definitely announce the event.
2023-01-18 22:27