In this seminar, a representative of Kazakhstan – Director of the Economic Research Institute JSC (ERI) Bakytgul Khambar, has shared her experience in the preparation of the Voluntary National Review. She has told about analytical work performed by ERI experts on assessing funding, gender analysis and other significant directions. And noted that work for preparation of Voluntary National Review was performed by ERI under the leadership of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The seminar was attended by Ksenia Verba, Director of the SRDF. She spoke about concerted efforts for arrangement of side event within the High-Level Political Forum with the involvement of the Kazakhstani private sector and NGOs, and proposed two topics for consideration by the participants. First topic is a question on regional standards and lack of regional development strategies, and the second – problem with the internet in rural schools.
The seminar attendees were interested in Kazakhstan's experience for the involvement of concerned parties in preparation of the Voluntary National Review and determination of prime objectives for the country. And our Fund has shared its experience of contribution thereto.