At the beginning of 2020, students and parents of this school were concerned that the school had serious problems with heating and the condition of the building. The complaint was addressed by the local akimat and they were ready to allocate funds for major repairs. But it was the middle of winter, and the preparation of design estimates for repairs could take a long time due to the legal issues of public procurement.
Then the Fund took responsibility for the urgent preparation of documentation for the repair of the school. Thus, by order of the Fund, the school carried out technical survey of the building and preparation of a working draft. As soon as the project was ready and passed all the procedures for examination and approval, it was transferred to the district education department of the Bulandy district.
As promised by the akimat, the money allocated for the repairs came fast, and in the spring of 2021 repair work with funding from the state budget was already in full swing. The project consisted of two stages, the first of which has already been implemented. It included external work to strengthen the building, insulate and clad the facade, replace windows and doors, and install a new gable roof. Thus, thanks to this project, 8 million tenge invested by the Fund attracted additional state investments in the amount of 220 million tenge. Moreover, they helped reduce the project implementation time by 10-11 months.
This winter, for the first time in many years, they opened locker rooms, where children can leave their outerwear and walk freely in school uniforms. Together with their teachers, they are looking forward to the second stage of the project in the summer of 2022, which promises a beautiful functional design inside the school.