Spatial Development
Design work

Overhaul of the building of school No. 5

This overhaul is a good example of how the Fund's activities affect the improvement of the quality of life of the villagers.

On our request, design estimates for the overhaul of the building were developed. The school needs to strengthen the load-bearing structures, replace the roof, windows, doors, insulate the building, renew the cladding, and make internal repairs, including the replacement of all engineering networks.

The project consists of two stages and the first one has already been finalized. In 2021, we did external work with funding from the state budget. Thus, 8 million tenge invested by the Fund in the development of documentation attracted state investments in the amount of 220 million tenge. Moreover, they helped reduce the project implementation time by 10-11 months.
The second stage of the project is scheduled for 2022.

Timeline: 2021 - stage I completed
2023 - planned date for stage II
Budget: 8,000,000 tenge: Fund investments
220,000,000 tenge: investments from the state budget (stage I)
2022-03-07 15:48