
Rural School powered by NIS

School-gymnasium, Makinsk city (Bulandy district)

The Fund, together with Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, has conducted more than 150 seminars to improve the skills of local teachers, transferring the NIS experience to the gymnasium school.

In addition, as part of an educational project, the Fund purchased classrooms for physics, chemistry, mathematics and logic, biology, computer science, robotics, a library, as well as engineering, culinary and artistic workshops for the school.
In the future, the school-gymnasium will have to undergo a major overhaul; the corresponding design and estimate documentation has already been developed upon the Fund’s request. The project is designed to be implemented in 2 stages.

Timeline: February 2020 - December 2021
Sponsored: 57,553,249 tenge
2022-01-21 17:12