
Project “Ashyk Zhurek”

The goal of the project is to combat coronavirus infection by forming the first line of defense.

As part of the project, we supplied 15,000 ELISA tests (45 million tenge) to private and public laboratories in the Akmola region free of charge. In addition, we built and fully equipped a modern mobile laboratory in Kokshetau (10 million tenge).

Also, the Fund has allocated 14 million tenge for purchasing medicines, personal protective equipment, sanitizing devices and oxygen tanks for the Bulandy district hospital. The project was supported by local entrepreneurs who keep providing similar assistance to the hospital.

Timeline: from April 2020 to the present
Budget: 14,000,000 tenge - collected funds

 of which:
7,000,000 tenge – Fund’s money
7,000,000 tenge – money provided by the local community of entrepreneurs
2020-04-17 17:16