What is it that we do daily to make our dream come true?

We have created Sustainable Rural Development Fund and are implementing projects that improve the quality of life in villages.

For four years now we have been working in three rural areas, studying the problems and opportunities of education, healthcare, tourism, landscaping and regional development of Kazakhstani villages.

In the future, our projects will cover the entire country; we plan to work not only with villages, but also with cities of various sizes.

Our projects unite business, government and society. Only together can we ensure the sustainable development of the area, and hence the high quality of life of citizens.

We will be glad if all concerned citizens, businesspeople, experts, and civil servants join us and support our initiatives.
Our big dream is for every person in Kazakhstan to have a vision for sustainable development of the country and for every citizen to look to their future with confidence, willing to care for the younger generation.
— Head of the Fund
  • Serik Tolukpayev

    Founder of the holding AITAS, ideological inspirer of the Foundation

  • Serik Zhunussov
    Executive Director of Corporate Fund Aitas Foundation
  • Daniyar Nurpeisov
    Executive Director of Sustainable Rural Development Fund
— Our steps
Selecting the area
Choosing a coordinator
Analyzing the socio-economic and environmental situation
Developing a strategy
Setting priorities
Involving Business, Government and Society
Implementing projects
Monitoring and mainstreaming
We are implementing more than 100 projects for education, healthcare, landscaping, tourism and regional development in the following areas
— Team of the Fund
— Fund partners
INVIVO is the first laboratory in the Central Asian region that has a network regional structure. At the moment, more than 350 labs with over 600 qualified specialists are successfully operating in Kazakhstan.

KDL OLYMP is the largest network of private laboratories in Kazakhstan with more than 400 treatment rooms and 18 laboratories.
Our main educational partner is the "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" AEO. Together we are implementing the Project "Rural School powered by NIS".

NIS specialists analyze the quality of education, transfer teaching methodology to rural schools, conduct an inventory and help teachers improve the quality of education.

The Fund uses the sponsorship to update the material base of schools according to NIS standards.
The Marwin chain of stores helps libraries in rural schools.
The project partner for the supply of educational equipment is the Basic Store company (a member of the WORLDDIDAC Association, Bern, Switzerland). The company brings together hundreds of manufacturers and distributors of educational equipment.
The Fund has reliable partners who help implement various projects. All these organizations are united by the idea of changing the life of an ordinary person for the better.