Aiyrtau district
General information about the disctrict

Aiyrtau district is located in the North Kazakhstan region.

The administrative center of the Aiyrtau region is the village of Saumalkol, located on the shores of the Saumalkol lake.

The regional center, Petropavlovsk, is a long way from the district (227 kilometers), but the center of the Akmola region, Kokshetau, is nearby.

Aiyrtau district has one of the largest areas in the region.

It includes more than 80 settlements and 14 rural districts.

9 620 км²
total area
34 974
Head of the Fund for Aiyrtau district
Azamat Kozhakhmetov
History of the district
The district was formed in 1928 and was called Volodarsky until 1993, after which it was renamed Aiyrtausky district.

Aiyrtau land is famous for its unique nature, rich history and great people.

Notable natives of the area:

Akan Sere (1834-1913): akyn, Kazakh folk poet, singer and composer.
Shokan Ualikhanov (1835-1865): our great countryman, researcher, and writer.
Shot-Aman Ualikhanov (1932-2021): Honored Architect of Kazakhstan, author of the coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Ukyli Ybrai (1860-1930): Kazakh akyn, composer and singer.
— Other districts